This site now hosts citable illustrated facsimiles of the six oldest manuscripts of the Iliad with scholia. These six manuscripts (all tenth or eleventh century in date) are the basis for the selective critical publication by Hartmut Erbse, Scholia Vetera in Homeri Iliadem. They are here gathered together in facsimile for the first time so that scholars can easily read and compare material from all six manuscripts.

What’s here

You’ll find the six manuscripts grouped thematically here with links to citable facsimiles.

As explained in this site’s about page, you’ll also find full documentation on how to retrieve the source images, along with accompanying delimited-text files documenting images and page sequences for each manuscript. These are under in a directory structure dervied from the facsimile’s URN. Since these six manuscripts are illustrated by material from the British Library, the Homer Multitext project, and the Laurentian Library, you can find the source data at:

In addition, the facsimiles are listed by the source providing images. You can therefore also browse the facsimiles from links under at: